Uncle Wes was tossing Davis up in the air (not an easy job tossing a 37 pound toddler in the air). Davis was in fits of giggles and would keep saying, "Adain...adain," over and over. Thanks Uncle Wes. Hope your back is alright!
Jasper is primarily an outdoor cat that tends to dislike bothersome little boys, but Davis didn't mind and decided to become Jasper's Best Friend while in OK. Davis looked past the low growls, swatting paws, and evil looks that came from Jasper and continued to seek him out at any given opportunity. Here is Davis supervising Jasper's dinnertime.
Davis and Grandma Kelly hand in hand after feeding the goats. Davis loves his Grandma Kelly!
Lilly is such a great big sister. Here she is making sure Davis sticks with the group while heading back home after feeding the goats.
I'm so glad you guys had a good time. I wish I could have been there!